Halloween Guidance 2020

    If you have been exposed to COVID-19, it is recommended you should not participate in in-person Halloween activities this year.

    The Vanderburgh County Health Department has provided the following recommendations for Halloween, 2020:

    It is recommended that everyone participating in any event wear a face mask that covers the nose and mouth. Costume masks are not a substitute for a cloth mask.

    ● It is recommended that parents who are accompanying children carry hand sanitizer and use it before allowing children to remove their masks or touch their faces at the end of the event. Frequent use is also recommended when possible.

    ● Those who are considered high risk due to age or health conditions are encouraged not to participate in events.

    ● Those residents who are not comfortable participating in the event are encouraged NOT to turn on their outside/porch light thus indicating they do not wish to participate.

    ● Those persons who are Trick or Treating are encouraged to only visit those homes with outside/porch lights on indicating that they are participating in the event.

    ● Social distancing is recommended except for those members of the same household who may travel as a group.

    ● If you are handing out candy it is encouraged that you limit your contact as much as possible and that you use hand sanitizer and/or wash your hands between contact with others. It is recommended that facial coverings be worn while handing out treats.

    ● If you are handing out candy or any other food items, please use only “pre-packaged” food from a manufacturer. (No homemade items please)

    ● When handing out candy or food items please place the items into the child’s bag or container, do not let the children grab their own treats. 

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