Ivy Tech Offers Info Session Regarding How to Complete Degree in 11 Months

    The event, ASAP Info Night, is planned for Wednesday, Feb. 16, from 6-7 p.m. at CenterPoint Auditorium (Room 147) on the main campus, 3501 N. First Avenue, Evansville.

    Ivy Tech Community College Evansville will host an information night designed to tell interested individuals more about completing an associate degree in under one year, through the Associate Accelerated Program.

    The event, ASAP Info Night, is planned for Wednesday, Feb. 16, from 6-7 p.m. at CenterPoint Auditorium (Room 147) on the main campus, 3501 N. First Avenue, Evansville.

    ASAP classes are held in small, closely-knit groups known as ‘cohorts.’ Classmates will remain with their cohort throughout the program and work together often. The coordinator of ASAP helps students identify clear academic goals, then maps out a path they can follow. Faculty team teach students and offer individualized attention.

    Those attending ASAP Info Night will learn about the benefits of the program, including how they will maximize their tuition dollars by finishing in less than a year, and transferring to a four-year college of their choice. Student support and financial aid will be discussed, as well as Ivy+ -- Ivy Tech’s flat tuition rate for 12 credit hours and more, with no textbook fees.

    A special current student panel will also be on hand to answer real-time questions.

    To RSVP go to https://link.ivytech.edu/ASAPinfo 

    Questions?  Email Joseph Binkley, director of admissions and ASAP, at jbinkley10@ivytech.edu

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