You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet

    "'Relighting the Torch' presents a historical and moral picture of our founders' better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right...for the first time.."

    Freedom, Indiana – Author Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

    No matter the outcome of the election, pain is coming.  I of course hope it won’t be in the form of nuclear Armageddon, but it’s already too late to prevent a socioeconomic catastrophe that, to too many of us, will be just as deadly.

    Assuming the “military-industrial complex” and “scientific-technological elite” plutocracy Eisenhower warned against, and that now own and operate the Democratic or Republican parties, don’t get their warmongering way, and we somehow avoid radioactive self-destruction; it’s already too late to stop massive inflation and monetary collapse.

    The facts:  The USA has, for generations since the Breton Woods Agreement, benefited from the “exorbitant privilege” of the US dollar’s reserve currency status, to both enrich the investment and donor classes at the expense of the lower and middle classes (see the Cantillon Effect), and charge other nations for the use of our currency at the expense of domestic inflation (see the Triffin Paradox).  The interest on our national debt, is our #3 federal budget expense – ahead of national defense, and just behind Social Security and Medicare.  The BRICS economic block is meeting this week in Russia to admit Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to the original nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.  Turkey, Azerbaijan, Venezuela and Malaysia have filed for admittance as well.  This rapid growth was accelerated by the USA’s theft of other nations’ dollar assets, particularly Russia’s.  Understandably, several nations, including western allies, started pulling away from obviously insecure US Treasuries.  BRICS’ goal isn’t hostile; it’s merely self-defensive against the USA’s weaponized monetary aggression.  Dozens more nations want to join the growing economic bloc, to throw off the USA’s global monetary/military sanctions and coercion.  Many nations have already begun de-dollarizing their transactions, including the purchase of oil, erasing the power of our “petrodollar” system.

    What this means:  In the words of economist Herbert Stein, “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.”  The inevitable and calamitous collapse of our nation’s economy and global empire has already begun.  Democrats and Republicans have proven unwilling to cut spending and government’s destructive size; and even their not-so-covert plan to reduce Social Security benefits while raising the age of retirement, won’t help much.  So, short of defaulting on our nation’s financial obligations, that leaves only The Fed’s usual solution – print more fiat currency to pay debts, which makes each dollar worth less and less.  And that means, in terms of inflation rates, that you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. 

    What I propose: We immediately do what’s proven to be the best design for society in all of human history, as I’ve been offering for decades.  It’d be rough for probably several years; but only by what only I’m proposing in the US Senate race, can there be a better future on the other side of what’s surely coming.

    Liberty or Bust!
    Andy Horning

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